In soolana blokhchan, October 19, 2024.
My fellow Degens, today I stand before you with a call to action that echoes through the corridors of history. With a call to action that transcends politics and partisanship – a call to enlist for the UNCL SEM, the very embodiment of our nation's spirit and values.

Just as Uncle Sem stands for patriotism and unity, the ape in the $UNCL reminds us that we are all part of the same Degen family, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs.

The APE represents our primal instincts, our deep-rooted connection to our past, and our boundless potential for the future. It reminds us that within each of us lies a powerful force waiting to be unleashed for the greater good. Together, let us embody the spirit of the ape – let us stand tall, shoulder to shoulder, in defense of liberty, justice, and equality for all. Let us use our strength and agility to overcome obstacles, bridge divides, and forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow.

Joining the ranks of the $UNCL symbolizes your dedication to the principles of freedom, democracy, and equality for all. It is a pledge to stand tall in defense of our shared heritage and to work towards a brighter future for generations to come!
Aping is more than a commitment; it is a promise to uphold the values that have guided us through times of challenge and triumph. It is a pledge to defend the ideals of liberty, democracy, and unity that form the bedrock of our society. It is a solemn pledge to serve our way with honor, to defend our freedoms with courage, and to stand up for the principles of opportunity that form the foundation of our lives.

So I implore you, my fellow Degens, to APE for the UNCL SEM – to be part of a legacy of courage, honor, and unity that has defined our great nation since its inception. Together, let us march forward with pride, determination, and a steadfast commitment to building a more perfect union, where liberty and justice reign supreme.

Ape for the $USEM, ape for the mooning, and together, let us carry the torch of freedom and democracy into a new era of hope and prosperity.

God bless Degens!